Hello, hello! I'm sooo happy to see all of you here! This meme that Susan at Between Naps on the Porch got me going on decorating for Christmas even though we are still in between projects so thanks a bunch, Susan!
Still no tree though as we're waiting for our eldest to come home from college soon enough and buy a tree that all of us can decorate. Each year, a child has a theme that we build up on. This year, it's the college girl's theme: Poinsettia and Gold. Well... guess what? I don't have much poinsettias! LOL
The fresh ones I got are dying from the yo-yo temp outside that's messing with our temp inside so they are getting a nice soaking right now and could not make any appearances in time for today.
So enjoy and I'll be by yours, gleaning great ideas, soon enough!
Here's the FAMILY ROOM:
Not much going on here since we are training puppies, but at least I have some of my Nativity sets up. This one is 14 years old...

We got this set at Costco as our very first family gift for Christmas. It doesn't come with a star so we try to make the angel look like it's looking down from heaven and the manger all lit up, just like in the story in Luke.
Love the expression on this angel...
While watching the baby Jesus from her heavenly perch.
The manger is only about5-6 years old. We found it in Target during our Clearance raids. LOL I love this diorama scene with the holy family and the little shepherd looking in.
Our mantle is one of my favorite places to decorate and I really went out on this one, but guess what again... I literally ran out of decorations! We've lived in apartments, almost a third smaller of this house, so between no time and no decorations, I'm quite surprised that we were able to pull this off. :-)
Back in 2008, we found a box barely noticeable among all the pickin's, this PEACE stocking holders. Perfect as we have 5 in our family! And to sweeten the deal, it was 75% off! The candles were a find last year at Jo-Ann's. The last five for less than $1 each! I love using big pinecones no matter how elegant or rustic my theme is. It defines the season for me...
Here's the banister leading upstairs. Most of my garlands are older than my youngest, and I'm quite impressed that despite several moves, they've all survived! The lightball on the table, also 14 years old. My hubby and FIL made them together the first Christmas we were married. Yes, the light-strings are that old!
For about three Decembers now, we loan out our little trees and nativity sets to our community Nativity Exhibit so these are one of the last ones to be included in the decor.
Many of my wire ribbons were muted enough to work year after year. So cool!

My village! Finally out after 3 years of being left out from lack of space... This one's in the DR. Nope, not done there yet...
And this is the foyer... I placed a mirror to reflect the front door and give my little amount of decor a bigger impact.
Oh look, poinsettias and gold sprays! LOL I love this Nativity interpretation and the muted colors go well with all the colors we use each year. This is 2 years old.

Sometimes, when inspiration hits, it hits big! The effect was much more than I was expecting! How awesome is that?!

So... what do you think? Did I deck my halls? Thank you and glad to join in! See ya later!