Happy Thursday, everyone! I'm so glad to be joining you today! Now that I'm home again, I can definitely blog more!
So how do you get back in table designing after months of absence? You come up with something QUICK, BEAUTIFUL AND ETHEREAL! Nothing short of magical, right?
Leigh, Susan, our dear lovely hosts... You and our readers are probably thinking: "What could she possibly mean?" Well, sometimes when you dine, only just the right setting makes it.
Is it expensive? NO. Is it too unique? NO. Is it easy? YES!
This design inspiration came from IKEA. Yep... IKEA! I found this 79-cent a piece sandy beige dinnerware set and these sky blue and bamboo green napkins. The glasses, TARGET. The utensils, Hampton "LACE". The candles, IKEA again!
So you see? With just the right combination, color and lighting, it's just like dining up in HEAVEN while on EARTH... ENJOY!
I only used napkins and candles to add the sparkle and extra color (sky blue). A new twist to a heavenly dining experience, eh? Ehhh?
Now let's adjust our eyes and see how "bright" our night really is. With you as my guest, who needs Superstars?
Notice how I played up the circles and twists? It gives it an "eternal", I mean, enduring appeal. I'd definitely do this table again.
You see that stack of dishes? We at least will dine on a "trinity" of deliciousness. I can't wait to see what appears on yours...
Mmm... That was definitely amazing! Let's enjoy the atmosphere and just be grateful... for being full! LOL
Well... What do you think? Did I lose my touch? I can't wait to see yours!
Thanks for stopping by!